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initialize(Context) - Static method in class com.eyro.cubeacon.Cubeacon
Initialize Cubeacon SDK.
isAppTargetingMarshmallowOrLater(Context) - Static method in class com.eyro.cubeacon.SystemRequirementChecker
Check if application targeting Android API 23 or later
isBluetoothEnabled(Context) - Static method in class com.eyro.cubeacon.SystemRequirementChecker
Check whether bluetooth is enabled.
isBluetoothLeAvailable(Context) - Static method in class com.eyro.cubeacon.SystemRequirementChecker
Check if bluetooth low energy is available.
isConnected(CBServiceListener) - Method in class com.eyro.cubeacon.Cubeacon
Check if the passed service listener is bound to the service.
isInitialized() - Static method in class com.eyro.cubeacon.Cubeacon
Check whether Cubeacon SDK is initialized.
isLocationServiceForBluetoothLeEnabled(Context) - Static method in class com.eyro.cubeacon.SystemRequirementChecker
Check if location services for Bluetooth scanning is enabled.
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