CBBeaconManagerDelegate Protocol Reference

Conforms to NSObject
Declared in CBBeaconManager.h


Delegate for CBBeaconManager.

– didChangeAuthorizationStatus:

Invoked when the authorization status changes for this application.

- (void)didChangeAuthorizationStatus:(CBAuthorizationStatus)status



The new authorization status for the application.


Tells the delegate that the authorization status for the application changed.

This method is called whenever the application’s ability to use location services changes. Changes can occur because the user allowed or denied the use of location services for your application or for the system as a whole.

If the authorization status is already known when you call the requestWhenInUseAuthorization or requestAlwaysAuthorization method, the beacon manager does not report the current authorization status to this method. The beacon manager only reports changes to the authorization status. For example, it calls this method when the status changes from CBAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined to CBAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedWhenInUse.

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– didRangeBeacons:inRegion:

Invoked when a new set of beacons are available in the specified region. If beacons is empty, it may be assumed no beacons that match the specified region are nearby. Similarly if a specific beacon no longer appears in beacons, it may be assumed the beacon is no longer received by the device.

- (void)didRangeBeacons:(NSArray<CBBeacon*> *_Nonnull)beacons inRegion:(CBRegion *_Nonnull)region



An array of CBBeacon objects representing the beacons currently in range. If beacons is empty, you can assume that no beacons matching the specified region are in range. When a specific beacon is no longer in beacons, that beacon is no longer received by the device. You can use the information in the CBBeacon objects to determine the range of each beacon and its identifying information.


The region object containing the parameters that were used to locate the beacons.


Tells the delegate that one or more beacons are in range.

The beacon manager calls this method when a new set of beacons becomes available in the specified region or when a beacon goes out of range. The beacon manager also calls this method when the range of a beacon changes; for example, when a beacon gets closer.

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– rangingBeaconsDidFailForRegion:withError:

Invoked when an error has occurred ranging beacons in a region. Error types are defined in “CLError.h”.

- (void)rangingBeaconsDidFailForRegion:(CBRegion *_Nonnull)region withError:(NSError *_Nullable)error



The region object that encountered the error.


An error object containing the error code that indicates why ranging failed.


Tells the delegate that an error occurred while gathering ranging information for a set of beacons.

Errors occur most often when registering a beacon region failed. If the region object itself is invalid or if it contains invalid data, the beacon manager calls this method to report the problem.

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– didDetermineState:forRegion:

Invoked when there’s a state transition for a monitored region or in response to a request for state via a call to requestStateForRegion:.

- (void)didDetermineState:(CBRegionState)state forRegion:(CBRegion *_Nonnull)region



The state of the specified region. For a list of possible values, see the CBRegionState type.


The region whose state was determined.


Tells the delegate about the state of the specified region.

The beacon manager calls this method whenever there is a boundary transition for a region. It calls this method in addition to calling the didEnterRegion: and didExitRegion: methods. The beacon manager also calls this method in response to a call to its requestStateForRegion: method, which runs asynchronously.

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– didEnterRegion:

Invoked when the user enters a monitored region. This callback will be invoked for every allocated CBBeaconManager instance with a non-nil delegate that implements this method.

- (void)didEnterRegion:(CBRegion *_Nonnull)region



An object containing information about the region that was entered.


Tells the delegate that the user entered the specified region.

Because regions are a shared application resource, every active beacon manager object delivers this message to its associated delegate. It does not matter which beacon manager actually registered the specified region. And if multiple beacon managers share a delegate object, that delegate receives the message multiple times.

The region object provided may not be the same one that was registered. As a result, you should never perform pointer-level comparisons to determine equality. Instead, use the region’s identifier string to determine if your delegate should respond.

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– didExitRegion:

Invoked when the user exits a monitored region. This callback will be invoked for every allocated CBBeaconManager instance with a non-nil delegate that implements this method.

- (void)didExitRegion:(CBRegion *_Nonnull)region



The exited region.


Tells the delegate that the user left the specified region.

Because regions are a shared application resource, every active beacon manager object delivers this message to its associated delegate. It does not matter which beacon manager actually registered the specified region. And if multiple beacon managers share a delegate object, that delegate receives the message multiple times.

The region object provided may not be the same one that was registered. As a result, you should never perform pointer-level comparisons to determine equality. Instead, use the region’s identifier string to determine if your delegate should respond.

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– didStartMonitoringForRegion:

Invoked when a monitoring for a region started successfully.

- (void)didStartMonitoringForRegion:(CBRegion *_Nonnull)region



The region that is being monitored.


Tells the delegate that a new region is being monitored.

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– monitoringDidFailForRegion:withError:

Invoked when a region monitoring error has occurred. Error types are defined in “CLError.h”.

- (void)monitoringDidFailForRegion:(CBRegion *_Nonnull)region withError:(NSError *_Nullable)error



The region for which the error occurred.


An error object containing the error code that indicates why region monitoring failed.


Tells the delegate that a region monitoring error occurred.

If an error occurs while trying to monitor a given region, the beacon manager sends this message to its delegate. Region monitoring might fail because the region itself cannot be monitored or because there was a more general failure in configuring the region monitoring service.

Although implementation of this method is optional, it is recommended that you implement it if you use region monitoring in your application.

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